The loss of visual acuity while retaining some vision.  People with low vision will often need some adaptations to aid their vision beyond the use of glasses or contact lenses.  


Math Accessibility Guidelines

Typed text is more legible for those with cognitive or visual difficulties including dyslexia, dysgraphia, low vision, color blindness, and more. Variations in handwriting style, skewed text, writing that is too small or too big, block vs. cursive writing, and more can make handwritten text and math difficult to decipher. As such, it is highly recommended to work with typed text and equations over handwritten math.  

Color Accessibility

Colors can be a useful tool to convey complexity and differentiate content. In many cases, color can enhance the readability and organization of data. Learn about the use of color, contrast, and additional signifiers to make your materials more accessible. You can also view a checklist for best practices at the bottom of the article.